Three Arenas, Top Instructors, & World Champion Instruction
The Josey Ranch has been training champions since 1967. Our clinics are made to offer individualized instruction to each student while on the barrel pattern. Let's take a walk through a typical day in a Josey Clinic.
Students will fill out paperwork with a questionare about themselves as a rider and the horse they will be riding in the clinic. When students arrive at the Josey Ranch they will attend a welcome meeting and start things off with an equipment check. Saftey is the number one priority at the Josey Ranch, which is why all student's equipment is checked and students are encouraged to go at a speed that is comfortable for them. Students are more than welcome walk, trot, lope, or run the barrel pattern in their first runs. After first runs we will move into classes in our three different arenas.
Welcome to the Main Arena: This is where we make all our timed runs and work on the barrel pattern a little faster. This is where students will attend their Individual Work class. Here students get the chance to go through the pattern with Ty Mitchell, Gary Arthur, and Terry Thomas receiving instruction on each barrel. During this class, instructors focus on smoothing things out in the lope and run. This is where students have the opportunity to try bits from the Josey Bit Line, this way students are allowed to try before they buy to make sure the bit is going to work for their horse.

The Covered Arena
This is where we work on the fundamentals of barrel racing. Training in the covered area is all about slow work and learning how to practice when you go back home. This is where students work on their training skills and keeping their horses relaxed on the barrel pattern.

The Back Arena
This is were we learn about horsemanship and put the "FUN" in Funnel Barrels! The back arena is where we really dive into slow work on the funnel barrel pattern giving our horses something different to do and engage their minds. Working at the walk and trot our instructors teach our students to about horsemanship and how to communicate with their horse.
Into The Classroom
During Josey Clinics, we believe it's important to not only teach in the arena but in the classroom as well. Students have several different classroom sessions to learn about proper horse nutrition, equipment, saddle fit, and how to review their video after a run.

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